e shtunë, 23 qershor 2007

20 Lesson Ideas

1. Discuss the history of Valentine’s Day. Read “The Night Before Valentine’s Day” and make a Valentine pig with hearts and lace.

2. Discuss monsters. Read “Where the Wild Things are” –not showing the pictures. Have students draw their own monsters using their imagination.

3.Rainbow Fish
Read “Rainbow Fish” and discuss the colors of the rainbow fish. Have students make the rainbow fish by using paper plates, crayons/markers, and aluminum foil for his sparkles.

4. Gallon Man
Have students measure cups, pints and quarts to equal a gallon using water. Make the gallon man using cut outs and coloring each measurement a different color.

5. Shape Picture
Have students cut out different geometric shapes they can chose their own and have them create a picture using the different shapes.

6. Shapes Tracing
Have students cut out different shapes and give them a plain white piece of paper to color over the shapes with crayons, using different color families.

7. Adding and Subtracting Fruit
Give the students modeling clay and math problems with fruit. The students will model the math problem using the fruit created with the clay.

8. Symmetry
On construction paper have students drop paint lightly where they chose. Have them fold the paper and smooth it out. Open the paper to reveal their symmetrical creation.

9. Jupiter
Read “Magic School Bus” a book about going to outer space. Discuss the planets and read an excerpt about Jupiter. Give the students ripped pieces of yellow, red and orange construction paper. Allow them to create Jupiter using the pieces of paper.

10. Modeling Planets
Have students use modeling clay to create a planet of their choice using pictures. After constructing the planet with clay the students will learn about the solar system. This is an introductory lesson about the solar system.

11. Life Cycle of a Butterfly
Read “Very Hungry Caterpillar” and discuss the life cycle of a butterfly allow the students to make a butterfly mobile using a construction paper spiral.

12. Life Cycle of a Butterfly
Discuss the life cycle of a butterfly and have students create a poster of the four stages using coffee strainers for the cocoon and butterfly wings.

13. Clouds
Discuss the different types of clouds. Give students blue construction paper and white paint allow them to create at least three different types of clouds and label them.

Social Studies:
14. Family
Have students create a picture of their families using mixed media. Have them write a story about their family and share with the class. Discuss the different family dynamics.

15. Greek Pottery
Read about Greek pottery and its history. Show them some pictures and discuss the different uses of the pottery and allow them to create a piece of pottery using black and brown construction paper.

16. President’s Day
Read “What is a President?” and the excerpt in the back of the book about President’s Day. Using a paper plates, cotton balls, pipe cleaners, and crayons/markers allow the students to make the head of George Washington.

17. Colors
In a manila folder give space for each color Primary, Secondary, Intermediate and Complimentary. Make pieces representing the different colors and have students place them in the correct areas.

18. Guess the Artist
Make different note cards with facts about different artists and have students guess the correct artist for points.

19. Primary Color Bingo
Create different Bingo cards with the primary colors. Call out the different colors and have students place the bingo pieces on the secondary color created by the two primary colors.

20. Microsoft Paint
Have students play around with the settings in Microsoft Paint. Discuss the different tools. Tell them to create anything they want and share them with the class.

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